Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Sociology of the Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Humanism of the Family - Essay Example The optional phase of socialization typically happens outside of the home, it very well may be at school, with peers or at a work environment - this is when a great many people start will to associate with individuals from various societies (Laslett, 303). During this stage you may pick up accomplished jobs, for example, finding a decent line of work or turning into a mother/father and the adjustments in patterns are perceived too from the language that is utilized, to the occasional change in design patterns. Standards are the things we are required to do as they are viewed as being ordinary, values then again are the standards we follow however we will in general underestimate for example composing. On the off chance that an individual breaks the standard, at that point they are degenerate and offices of social control, for example, the police dominate. These essential things are perceived by the vast majority these days and clarify why there arent the same number of social clashes as there has been before. A case of social clashes is during the mid nineteenth century when White Americans came into contact with Native Americans - numerous contentions and a couple of slaughters had occurred just in light of the fact that the greater part of the White Americans were not ready to mingle and comprehend this Native culture (Kain, 955). A general view of humanism is that it is equivalent to brain research. This is just right to a degree, both the subjects are a piece of sociology and they investigate the conduct of individuals (Bar-Yosef, 69). In any case, the thing that matters is that brain science is the investigation of the psyche and its psychological states, though social science takes a gander at individuals on a more extensive scale, as it takes a gander at the investigation of the structure and advancement of human social orders. Today families are gone up against with numerous issues. One issue is the lopsidedness in family and childcare work done by people (Haralambous, 5). Another issue confronting families today is the sharp ascending in the quantity of old individuals. Changes to society may help fix a portion of these issues. In spite of the fact that society has made
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Identification Questions Of POL SCI Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Recognizable proof Questions Of POL SCI - Assignment Example 5. Initial, various strategies for directing political races were changed flagging democratization by a general broadening of the democratic establishment. Besides by mid nineteenth Century, a lion's share of free white grown-ups could cast a ballot. Thirdly, the political decision framework was portrayed by two significant gatherings that ruled it. 6. Hyper-pluralism is where there is a group(s) or groups that are more grounded than the administration making the legislature to be debilitated. They are hazardous in light of the fact that they sabotage the standard of straightforward lion's share. 12. Initially, it takes into consideration division of intensity between the National, State and Local administrations of which, none is better or second rate than the other. Besides, it has a constitution that rundowns the forces of these legislatures and depicts their different foundations. Thirdly, it accommodates a free legal executive equipped for looking into the laws and guidelines of the administrations of each level in this way dodging power battles. 13. With trustee, the officials vote and act as per their very own convictions and what they feel is useful for the general public. Then again, appointed hypothesis accept the representative as a specialist of the voters thus will cast a ballot as per what the voters need regardless of whether they don't bolster it wholeheartedly. 16. Constitutionalism enthusiasm is an idea that is a piece of the post-patriotism speculations that have been utilized compellingly to build up the country. A contextual analysis is their utilization in building up the European Union (Ceaser, 25). Then again, liberal patriotism alludes to a sort of patriotism that is created and recognized by political rationalists who have faith in non-xenophobic sorts of patriotisms. It is good with liberal estimations of opportunity, singular rights, resistance and
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Foolproof Way to Write a Press Release (with Samples)
A Foolproof Way to Write a Press Release (with Samples) Whether you are announcing a new product or novel, improving your brand or author image, or looking for search engine optimization, a press release is a great way to achieve these aims and more. What once was simply a way to communicate a message to journalists has become something with a far greater reachâ€"a viral reach, in factâ€"and can be used to jumpstart your brand, business, or novel marketing. Using a simple inverted pyramid style of writing, the press release offers a way to advertise everything from an event to a new product to publication of a book, and theres a foolproof method to write it. If youre looking for that method, youve come to the right place.What is the point of a press release?If were going to discuss methodâ€"we should first discuss purpose. Before the growth of Internet marketing, press releases were sent to journalists to obtain media coverage. In keeping with the rules of journalism, the style was focused on sharing the news quickly and effectively via h eadline strength and a powerful lede, otherwise known as an opening paragraph and hook.Now, this purpose has evolved into a highly effective way to distribute information onlineâ€"through company websites, email campaigns, social media, or press release publishing platformsâ€"and achieve SEO (search engine optimization) goals for an organization, brand, or author. This results in a compact, power-packed punch of information dissemination that reaches audiences in the most succinct way possible.In essence, a press release now has viral possibilities. What once was limited to a shot-in-the-dark attempt to catch a journalists attention is now a medium offering great potential in landing a website in top spots for search engine results and building brand identity, whether for an author or a business.A press release offers viral marketing possibilities for your brand, business, or book. Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels.How do I make the most of a press release?In consideration of t he multiple aims that a press release can now achieve, its time to rethink what should go into one in the planning and writing stages. Ideas like readability, keywords and effective headlinesâ€"although always a part of writing an effective press releaseâ€"are even more pertinent now.This means that if you have an hour to plan and write a press release, a large percentage of that time (20 minutes, at least) should go into determining a catchy headline and the right keywords to be included. While its impossible to cover this topic in depth for the scope of this article, you can learn more about creating a compelling headline by reading this piece about writing headlines that increase online traffic potential.You can also run several headline possibilities through this headline analyzer, although there are a few steps youll have to go through (entering your name, email address, and company information) to get a readout. The readout you receive, however, is a great breakdown of importa nt aspects of your headline, such as the emotional appeal, power words, and generic word choice youve used. Youll also receive a score on the headline youve chosen and be offered instructions regarding how to tweak it to get a higher score.What are the components of a press release?Beyond a catchy headline with important keywords included, the other components of a press release are:Contact information for media to get in touch with youThe city and state where this news is happeningBody copy, ordered by level of importanceBoiler Plate with information about your organization or brand. If youre unsure of how to write the boilerplate for your business or author brand, this website offers several great examples to guide you through the process of writing it. Basically, your boilerplate should include the following details:The name of your organizationYour mission statementFounding dates (if applicable)Company size (if applicable)A brief statement on what your organization is doing toda y to fulfill the ideas in your mission statementThe outline of a press release is simple. This graphic from CoSchedule is a great resource to use to make sure you are following the correct format and including all necessary elements when planning and writing your press release. As you can see from the graphic, the outline you should use is:HeadlineStatement of For Immediate Release and date of publicationPress contact information, including contact name, email and phone number (if applicable)Summary bullet pointsAn introductory paragraph (otherwise known as the lede), including a hook and the who, what, when, where, and why of your content.A second (and possibly third) paragraph offering additional information that supports your lede.The boilerplate of your organization or brand.So how do I write a great introductory paragraph/lede?As youll see from the graphic mentioned above, following the summary points of a press release, the introductory paragraph is the most important part of the content youll provide. If youve ever heard of the inverted pyramid strategy of writing, a press release follows it precisely, with the most important information at the beginning of the copy.Who, what, when, where, and whyThis means that the basic details of your press releaseâ€"who, what, when, where, and whyâ€"should be all included in the first paragraph. You should write this paragraph assuming that your reader will read it alone, and none of the paragraphs that will follow. In journalists terms, this paragraph is called a lede, and is meant to entice the reader to read further. In other wordsâ€"out of the three or more paragraphs you write in your press release, this one should get the most attention.In the lede, you should include the following aspects of your story:Who is the story about?What is happening?Where is it taking place?When will it take place?Why is it important?Follow these five Ws with a hook, which is a sentence informing the reader why they should be intere sted in this event. All of these together will be the first paragraph of your press release.What about the other paragraphs?If youre following the inverted pyramid format mentioned earlier, the second and additional paragraphs of your press release are simply additional information to offer your reader about the five Ws. This is the part where youll want to include quotes from important people involved with the project, product, or campaign. If you are writing a press release for a book that youre publishing, youll want to include your own quotes in these paragraphs, while writing the rest of the release in third-person point of view.Its important to keep in mind that any quotes used in this part of the press release should be beneficial for the reader. In other words, any quotes that you use should offer more detail for anyone interested in learning more about the focus of the press release, including insider information about the product or service being offered. You should use th ese paragraphs to tell your reader what they can gain from what youre advertising, rather than just random details about the speakers background or experience.How do I write a press release for a book?If youre writing a press release for a book, youll want to follow most of the same guidelines mentioned above. If youre using the press release for SEO purposes or simply as a viral marketing technique on social media, following the steps Ive mentioned above will get the job done. Just keep in mind that the 5 Wsâ€"who, what, when, where, and whyâ€"might take on additional meaning in this context. Specifically, if youre writing the press release to announce a book signing, youll need to include the details related to that book signing in the introductory paragraph.A press release should include the details related to an event, specifically who, what, when, where, and why. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.However, in the case of a press release related to a novel, its important to also include details about the book itselfâ€"thus, the second set of 5 Ws. In the second paragraph, immediately following the introductory one stating the details of the actual signing event, youll want to clue readers in on the summary of the book. This might include its genre, main characters, setting, and a brief one- to two-sentence summation of the plot of the book.Other things you might want to include within a press release for a book signing or publication date include:Interesting details about the author or the authors storyAny award or recognition that the book has wonAny endorsement that a celebrity or well-known person has given for the bookAny buzzwords that might attract a certain audience to your book, i.e., millennials, working mothers, or spirituality.This article goes into more detail about specific points to focus on when writing a press release for a book and/or book signing event.Sample press releasesAs promised, here are some sample press releases written across a variety of industries.GameStop Announces Limited Supply of Nintendo Switch SystemsApple Expands Global Recycling ProgramsVail Resorts Acquire Stowe Mountain ResortA sparkling romantic comedy about one womans decision to tinker with the horoscopes of the (Aquarian) man of her dreamsâ€"with far-reaching consequences*.*Notice that on the author press release, the bulleted summary quotes are reviewer quotes, while the who, what, when, where, and why are all information about the books plot. This is because the purpose of the press release is to announce the book itself, rather than a signing or event surrounding the book.
A Foolproof Way to Write a Press Release (with Samples)
A Foolproof Way to Write a Press Release (with Samples) Whether you are announcing a new product or novel, improving your brand or author image, or looking for search engine optimization, a press release is a great way to achieve these aims and more. What once was simply a way to communicate a message to journalists has become something with a far greater reachâ€"a viral reach, in factâ€"and can be used to jumpstart your brand, business, or novel marketing. Using a simple inverted pyramid style of writing, the press release offers a way to advertise everything from an event to a new product to publication of a book, and theres a foolproof method to write it. If youre looking for that method, youve come to the right place.What is the point of a press release?If were going to discuss methodâ€"we should first discuss purpose. Before the growth of Internet marketing, press releases were sent to journalists to obtain media coverage. In keeping with the rules of journalism, the style was focused on sharing the news quickly and effectively via h eadline strength and a powerful lede, otherwise known as an opening paragraph and hook.Now, this purpose has evolved into a highly effective way to distribute information onlineâ€"through company websites, email campaigns, social media, or press release publishing platformsâ€"and achieve SEO (search engine optimization) goals for an organization, brand, or author. This results in a compact, power-packed punch of information dissemination that reaches audiences in the most succinct way possible.In essence, a press release now has viral possibilities. What once was limited to a shot-in-the-dark attempt to catch a journalists attention is now a medium offering great potential in landing a website in top spots for search engine results and building brand identity, whether for an author or a business.A press release offers viral marketing possibilities for your brand, business, or book. Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels.How do I make the most of a press release?In consideration of t he multiple aims that a press release can now achieve, its time to rethink what should go into one in the planning and writing stages. Ideas like readability, keywords and effective headlinesâ€"although always a part of writing an effective press releaseâ€"are even more pertinent now.This means that if you have an hour to plan and write a press release, a large percentage of that time (20 minutes, at least) should go into determining a catchy headline and the right keywords to be included. While its impossible to cover this topic in depth for the scope of this article, you can learn more about creating a compelling headline by reading this piece about writing headlines that increase online traffic potential.You can also run several headline possibilities through this headline analyzer, although there are a few steps youll have to go through (entering your name, email address, and company information) to get a readout. The readout you receive, however, is a great breakdown of importa nt aspects of your headline, such as the emotional appeal, power words, and generic word choice youve used. Youll also receive a score on the headline youve chosen and be offered instructions regarding how to tweak it to get a higher score.What are the components of a press release?Beyond a catchy headline with important keywords included, the other components of a press release are:Contact information for media to get in touch with youThe city and state where this news is happeningBody copy, ordered by level of importanceBoiler Plate with information about your organization or brand. If youre unsure of how to write the boilerplate for your business or author brand, this website offers several great examples to guide you through the process of writing it. Basically, your boilerplate should include the following details:The name of your organizationYour mission statementFounding dates (if applicable)Company size (if applicable)A brief statement on what your organization is doing toda y to fulfill the ideas in your mission statementThe outline of a press release is simple. This graphic from CoSchedule is a great resource to use to make sure you are following the correct format and including all necessary elements when planning and writing your press release. As you can see from the graphic, the outline you should use is:HeadlineStatement of For Immediate Release and date of publicationPress contact information, including contact name, email and phone number (if applicable)Summary bullet pointsAn introductory paragraph (otherwise known as the lede), including a hook and the who, what, when, where, and why of your content.A second (and possibly third) paragraph offering additional information that supports your lede.The boilerplate of your organization or brand.So how do I write a great introductory paragraph/lede?As youll see from the graphic mentioned above, following the summary points of a press release, the introductory paragraph is the most important part of the content youll provide. If youve ever heard of the inverted pyramid strategy of writing, a press release follows it precisely, with the most important information at the beginning of the copy.Who, what, when, where, and whyThis means that the basic details of your press releaseâ€"who, what, when, where, and whyâ€"should be all included in the first paragraph. You should write this paragraph assuming that your reader will read it alone, and none of the paragraphs that will follow. In journalists terms, this paragraph is called a lede, and is meant to entice the reader to read further. In other wordsâ€"out of the three or more paragraphs you write in your press release, this one should get the most attention.In the lede, you should include the following aspects of your story:Who is the story about?What is happening?Where is it taking place?When will it take place?Why is it important?Follow these five Ws with a hook, which is a sentence informing the reader why they should be intere sted in this event. All of these together will be the first paragraph of your press release.What about the other paragraphs?If youre following the inverted pyramid format mentioned earlier, the second and additional paragraphs of your press release are simply additional information to offer your reader about the five Ws. This is the part where youll want to include quotes from important people involved with the project, product, or campaign. If you are writing a press release for a book that youre publishing, youll want to include your own quotes in these paragraphs, while writing the rest of the release in third-person point of view.Its important to keep in mind that any quotes used in this part of the press release should be beneficial for the reader. In other words, any quotes that you use should offer more detail for anyone interested in learning more about the focus of the press release, including insider information about the product or service being offered. You should use th ese paragraphs to tell your reader what they can gain from what youre advertising, rather than just random details about the speakers background or experience.How do I write a press release for a book?If youre writing a press release for a book, youll want to follow most of the same guidelines mentioned above. If youre using the press release for SEO purposes or simply as a viral marketing technique on social media, following the steps Ive mentioned above will get the job done. Just keep in mind that the 5 Wsâ€"who, what, when, where, and whyâ€"might take on additional meaning in this context. Specifically, if youre writing the press release to announce a book signing, youll need to include the details related to that book signing in the introductory paragraph.A press release should include the details related to an event, specifically who, what, when, where, and why. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.However, in the case of a press release related to a novel, its important to also include details about the book itselfâ€"thus, the second set of 5 Ws. In the second paragraph, immediately following the introductory one stating the details of the actual signing event, youll want to clue readers in on the summary of the book. This might include its genre, main characters, setting, and a brief one- to two-sentence summation of the plot of the book.Other things you might want to include within a press release for a book signing or publication date include:Interesting details about the author or the authors storyAny award or recognition that the book has wonAny endorsement that a celebrity or well-known person has given for the bookAny buzzwords that might attract a certain audience to your book, i.e., millennials, working mothers, or spirituality.This article goes into more detail about specific points to focus on when writing a press release for a book and/or book signing event.Sample press releasesAs promised, here are some sample press releases written across a variety of industries.GameStop Announces Limited Supply of Nintendo Switch SystemsApple Expands Global Recycling ProgramsVail Resorts Acquire Stowe Mountain ResortA sparkling romantic comedy about one womans decision to tinker with the horoscopes of the (Aquarian) man of her dreamsâ€"with far-reaching consequences*.*Notice that on the author press release, the bulleted summary quotes are reviewer quotes, while the who, what, when, where, and why are all information about the books plot. This is because the purpose of the press release is to announce the book itself, rather than a signing or event surrounding the book.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Sportsmanship Essay - 1081 Words
quot;One who plays a sport fairly and loses gracefullyquot; is how The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines sportsmanship. What is a sportsman? The definition seems to have undergone a big change over the years. If children follow the example set by todays athletes, the definition would equal a sore loser. High school sports should be a fun way to physically express yourself as an athlete, but at the same time learn some of lifes lessons, like sportsmanship, discipline, and respect. In todays society, winning comes before everything, but if winning requires neglect of good sportsmanship, then nothing is gained in the long run. Sportsmanship matters not only in sports, but also in the rest of our everyday lives. In any competition,†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Michigan State Universitys report, quot;Sportsmanship: Building Character or Characters?quot; on the Youth Sportsman Institute webpage, explains the basic idea of how the role of childrens participation in sports affects their sportsmanship. The report gives examples of how good sportsmen, and bad sportsmen are viewed by society. The Youth Sports Institute says, quot;participation is viewed as a double-edged sword that may have either negative or positive effects on the childquot;(quot;Sportsmanshipquot;,1) and that quot;the critical factor in determining whether the youth sports experience has a positive or negative effect on children is the quality of adult leadershipquot;(quot;Sportsmanship, 3). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The story quot;Friday Night Lightsquot;, written by H.G. Bissinger, gives examples of bad sportsmanship, like the Youth Sportsman Institute suggests. quot;Friday Night Lightsquot; is a story about a football-obsessed town in Odessa, Texas. The whole story expresses winning or losing the game as a life or death situation. In Odessa, bad sportsmanship isnt just a problem for the athletes; it is a town-wide disease. The coaches talk bad behind their players backs, while the fans litter the head coaches yard with for-sale signs, blaming him for losing the big game. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The first instance of bad sportsmanship in the story is where BissingerShow MoreRelatedSportsmanship761 Words  | 4 PagesChristopher Kane MSA 560 Sportsmanship Essay Sports events are essentially social in character. They facilitate the coming together of people from various parts of the country, at a national level, and various parts of the world, at the international level. The dictionary defines sportsmanship as the face or practice of participating in sports or sport. It is also the conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spiritRead MoreSportsmanship And Sportsmanship Of A Team1074 Words  | 5 PagesSportsmanship All athletes can recognize that being a part of a team is hard. It is incredibly difficult to select a group of teenagers that will (1) all get along, (2) work together seamlessly, and (3) respect their coaches. The formula for the perfect team is unknowable. One negative spirit always exists to drag the team down, to deflate their motives and increase their egos; but that does not have any effect on the sportsmanship of a team. Sportsmanship does not rely on the cohesiveness of aRead More Sportsmanship Essay587 Words  | 3 Pages Sportsmanship Sportsmanship is the character, practice, or skill of a person involved in sports. This includes the participant, the parents, the coaches, and all spectators. Sportsmanlike conduct includes fairness, courtesy, learning to be a good loser, being competitive without rude behavior, or experiencing any ill feelings toward the opponent. Too often in any sporting event, the purpose of the sport is forgotten. Winning has become overwhelmingly important to the adults involved. ThisRead MoreAmerican Football and Good Sportsmanship1101 Words  | 5 Pagesdefines sportsmanship. What is a sportsman? The definition seems to have undergone a big change over the years. If children follow the example set by todays athletes, the definition would equal a sore loser. High school sports should be a fun way to physically express yourself as an athlete, but at the same time learn some of lifes lessons, like sportsmanship, discipline, and respect. In todays society, winning comes before everything, but if winning requires neglect of good sportsmanship, thenRead MoreDefinition Essay on Sportsmanship916 Words  | 4 Pages Definition Essay on Sportsmanship Abstract Although it is very common to mention the term Sportsmanship during any sports event, very few individuals are actually familiar with the true definition of the word. For some it is the behavioral aspect shown by the participating teams or athletes while others it is more than just a routine behavior and is associated with the deep rooted respect of the opponent as well as the outcome of an event. Sportsmanship is known to be an aspiration whichRead MoreImportance of Sportsmanship Essay632 Words  | 3 PagesImportance of Sportsmanship When you are on the field of play, it is vital that you remember to be very sportsmanlike, for numerous reasons. There are many spectators who come to enjoy the competitiveness and excitement of high school athletics and a bad sport can turn a good, hard-fought and enjoyable contest into an ugly, forgettable one. Cheap shots and verbal attacks on fellow student-athletes can forever taint a positive athletic career, and that is why it is vital that sportsmanship is emphasizedRead MoreSportsmanship : A Sport Fairly And Loses Gracefully910 Words  | 4 PagesCasey Harral English 1101-23 Sylvia Johnson November 2, 2015 Sportsmanship One who plays a sport fairly and loses gracefully is how The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines sportsmanship, but what is true Sportsmanship considered to you? Is it an attitude, or simply an act? Sportsmanship can be handled in several different ways. It’s how one team handles another on and off the field. Simply it could also be said as just the way you handle the game in general after a tough loss, or after an easyRead MoreHow Sportsmanship Can Be A Part Of A Team1208 Words  | 5 Pagesdoes not have any effect on the sportsmanship of a team. Sportsmanship does not rely on the cohesiveness of a team. It does not correlate with how many bonding trips a team endures or how many groups of friends are on the team. It is not entirely internal or entirely external. Sportsmanship is not simply the willingness of an athlete to respect other teams; it is an athlete’s ability to respect their own team and, most importantly, his or her self. Sportsmanship is innate, refle cting an athlete’sRead MoreThe Effect of Sportsmanship and Motivation on Athletic Aggression1113 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract: The main objective of this experiment was to find what relationships threre are between sportsmanship, motivation and athletic aggression. There we three preset propositions that they anticipated for their theory: (a) self-determined sport motivation will be positively predictive of sportspersonship orientations, (b) sportspersonship orientations will mediate the relationship between self-determined sport motivation and athletic aggression, and (c) sportspersonship orientations willRead MoreThe Importance Of A Healthy Lifestyle On Good Nutrition, Proper Sleep, And Sportsmanship1180 Words  | 5 Pagesscraped knees but I was usually energetic, athletic, creative and optimistic about life. Health, fitness and well-being were important to my family. I came to value the importance of a healthy lifestyle: good nutrition, proper sleep, exercise and sportsmanship. Education was equally emphasized, â€Å"a sound mind in a sound body,†my grandfather repeatedly told my sister and m e. My grandfather, Pop-Pop, was a gregarious, tall and handsome man with a gleam in his eye who greatly valued education. I listened
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Alices Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - 2035 Words
Lewis Carrolls â€Å"Alices Adventure In Wonderland †a tale of a young girl named Alice who sits on a riverbank one day, reading over her sister’s shoulder. She got so bored that she fell asleep, and in her dream she sees a White Rabbit running through the woods that she followed down a rabbit hole into a magical world called Wonderland. Alice follows the Rabbit down the hole and stumbles upon a great hallway filled with different doors.she a table with a tiny golden key, and a bottle of potion with an attached note that says Drink me. she notices that she is too large to go through the door so she drinks the potion and shrinks to the size of the door. After Alice shrinks to the size of the tiny door she realizes that she has left the golden key to the door on the table that is now very high. She finds a box underneath the table that has a piece of cake that says Eat me. Alice quickly eats the cake and soon begins to grow tall enough to reach the key. Alice Alice begins to cry because she realizes that she is to big to enter the small door and her giant tears form a pool at her feet. The white rabbit appears and Alice decides to ask the rabbit for help, but he gets scared and drops his gloves and fan and flees. She picks up his gloves and fan and begins to shrink. While swimming through her puddles of tears, she meets a couple animals from the world of wonderland. Alice has another encounter with the white rabbit and mistakes her for a servant and sends her offShow MoreRelatedAlices Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll2354 Words  | 9 Pagesis Charles Lutwidge Dodgson also known as Lewis Carroll. Lewis is acknowledged as one of the best writers that have ever lived; he is also well appreciated in the English culture. Carroll was born on January 27, 1832, in Morphany Lane in the village of Daresbury England. Carroll was the third oldest son of the Reverend Charles Dodgson and Frances Jane Lutwidge. Carroll belonged to a family of eleven children where he was the third oldest. Lewis Carroll childhood was pleasant. He was always fullRead More Victorian Era and Alices Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll2521 Words  | 11 Pagesand Alices Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Known for its utilitarianist ideals, the education system of the Victorian Era limited the thoughts, speech, and actions of the individual; People were the product of the Victorian society in which they were raised. Many Victorian novelists highlight this mechanization of human beings, as it contributed to the identity crisis epidemic of the Victorian Era in which children were especially affected. In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, LewisRead MoreUse of Food in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll2931 Words  | 12 Pagesaccording to specific cultural rituals in order to become a â€Å"proper (human)†subject (qtd. in ibid.: 4). But there were also novels like Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and its successor Through the Looking-Glass, And What Alice Found There (1871), which sparked a backlash to the prominent didactic novels in the nineteenth century. Carroll plays with the rules of etiquette and dinin g – contradicting the phrase: Dont play with your food. The social and cultural ritual of consumingRead MoreA Great Childrens Book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll851 Words  | 3 PagesIn the 1800s a great author created a great book and inspired a different way of writing. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is known as one of best children’s story book. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is one of the most famous and enduring childrens classics. The novel is full of whimsical charm, and a feeling for the absurd that is unsurpassed. The book begins with a young girl Alice, bored under a tree in the meadow by a river, reading a book with her sister. Everything seems perfectly normalRead More The Coming of Age Theme in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll2641 Words  | 11 Pagescoming of age as a timeless universal literary theme. Among such coming of age novels is Lewis Carroll’s tale about a seven-year-ol d Victorian girl named Alice. In the novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice falls into the curious world of Wonderland. Alice assuages and manages inter-conflicts, such as her identity. Through the confusion, experimentation, and uncertainties of the Wonderland between childhood and adulthood Alice realizes in her unconscious state that she is changing fromRead MoreApplying Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass†by Lewis Carroll to the Mind811 Words  | 4 PagesThe classic stories â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland†and â€Å"Through the looking Glass†by Lewis Carroll consist of dreamlike adventures in a crazy world of nonsense. However this nonsense can be deciphered into a complex new system of thinking. This way of thinking can be transferred and directly applied to the mind. How the mind works, its many varying functions, and lastly the unconscious mind can all be tied to Alice. The unconscious mind can be compared to Alice, as can a dreamlike state ofRead MoreComparing Alices Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll and Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes1671 Words  | 7 Pagesitself with this transformation from child to man, the step of letting go of childish ways and moving on to more mature things. The need for such a dramatic transformation is questioned by Miguel de Cervantes and Lewis Carroll in their texts, Don Quixote and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. While the texts follow two contrasting characters, they are brought together by the theme of fantasy. Cervantes’ Don Quixote is an old gentleman of noble lineage who becomes tired of the monotony and the lackRead MoreLewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland: The Inevitable Loss of Childhood Innocence1478 Words  | 6 Pagesbecoming short.†(Carroll) Her longing to get through a little door that leads to a stunning garden takes her on an exploration to the house of a Duchess, a mad tea-party where she meets the Mad Hatter and March hare. Her encounter with the caterpillar is very helpful as it is through the caterpillar that she is able to know the way in which one could adjust their height reliant on the situation. Her experience in the house of White Rabbit is another fascinating occurrence. (Carroll) Overall, â€Å"herRead MoreA Pen Name Lewis Carroll1429 Words  | 6 PagesAbout the author Charles Dodgson’s also known by his pen name Lewis Carroll was born January 27, 1892 in Daresbury, Cheshire England, and died in 1898 at Guildford, Surrey. He was raised in the country where he was the oldest of eight siblings. He began writing at an early age, mostly as entertainment for his younger siblings. Carroll had physical deformities, partial deafness and a stutter that limited him in throughout his life. Carroll had strict religious beliefs, and attended the Anglican ChurchRead More Differences Between Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass1301 Words  | 6 Pages At the mention of the name Alice, one tends to usually think of the children’s stories by Lewis Carroll. Namely, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are two classic works of children’s literature that for over a century have been read by children and adults alike. These two stories tell the tale of a young girl named Alice wh o finds herself in peculiar surroundings, where she encounters many different and unusual characters. Although Alice is at the centre of both stories
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Brief Summary of Islam - 848 Words
Islam began in the 6th century on the belief that Muhammad, a highly respected businessman in Mecca, had received revelations from God in both Mecca and Medina. This religion began to grow when one of the first disciples, a twenty-two year old named Zayd, collected and edited Muhammad’s writings of his revelations and published them in one book, known as the Qur’an. The central beliefs of Islam, and the central acts of Muslim worship, can be summarized in the Five Pillars of Islam: shahada (bearing witness), which usually manifests itself in reciting â€Å"there is no god but God, and Muhammad is God’s messenger; salah (praying five times a day facing Mecca); zakah (giving to the needy); sawm (fasting during the month of Ramadan); hajj (a†¦show more content†¦The human Adam was the only being, including all the angels, that could recite the names of everything, and this showed God that human beings could be trusted with much responsibility. Not all aspe cts of Muslim life, however, are encompassed by the Five Pillars. One important aspect, for example, is family and community life. This aspect of Muslim life is partially touched on by the Pillar of zakah (giving to the needy), but its weight is not expressed fully in such a command. When Muhammad left Mecca, he began a fully Muslim community at the oasis of Yathrib, which became known as the City of the Prophet or Medina. For those who made an affirmation of faith and joined the community, loyalty to the community was considered more important than loyalty to anything else, including family. This community set the standard for Muslim communities, as Islam today could still be considered a way of life more than a religion that is separate from other aspects of life. Many communities and states who adopted Islam made it a way of life rather than just a religion, and this practice even continues today in Muslim nations. Community is extremely important to Islam, but family is crucial as well. All life comes from God, so each child is also considered a precious gift from God. The family can express their gratitude for this gift of life by giving their child a name with religious meaning. This is why the most common name inShow MoreRelatedExplaining The Religion of Islam Essay examples1445 Words  | 6 PagesIslam is currently the worlds 2nd largest and fastest growing religion with nearly one-fifth (approximately 1.2 billion) of the world’s population believed to be Muslim (About.Com, 2008, Online Islam is a monotheistic religion which means it believes in the one God. It is Abrahamic or one of the ‘Religions of the Book’, this means that, similar to in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah, stories such as that ofRead MoreThe Role Of Ethnicity And Its Effects On The Development Of Africa, Latin America, And Southeast Asia1106 Words  | 5 Pagescontriva nce a ‘divide and conquer’ technique and hegemony in the LDCs. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of ethnicity in LDCs in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia on contemporary politics. First, a brief overview of the importance of ethnicity is addressed. Second, a brief discussion of the colonial rulers used ethnicity to their advantage is provided. And, in conclusion, this paper will conclude the overall role of ethnicity in the LDCs in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast AsiaRead MoreEssay on Women in Afghanistan1708 Words  | 7 PagesWomen in Afghanistan Brief Outline of Afghanistan History: 1910’s-1920’s : Reform movements in Afghanistan 1933-1973 : Some reform, country remains fairly static 1978-1992 : Democratic Republic of Afghanistan 1979-1989 : Soviet Intervention 1992-1996: Islamist Mujanidin 1996-2001 : Taliban 2001-Present : U.S. Occupation, new government The reason I chose to study Islamic Feminism and Afghanistan, is that for many people, these words do not belong in the same sentence. AfghanistanRead MoreThe Modern View Of Islam1359 Words  | 6 PagesThe modern view of Islam in the United States is often influenced by the stereotype created by westerners based on the history of military conflict between the United States and Islamic countries. In turn, the view of Americans has shifted in Islamic countries due to the religious generalization that has been developed. It is widely known that the United States and Islamic countries have had military conflict in the past, with examples such as the September 11th attacks or the location and assassinationRead MoreCultural Awareness. In This Paper, The Socio – Cultural1256 Words  | 6 PagesCultural Awareness In this paper, the socio – cultural analysis of the assigned nation – Iran – is presented. First, a brief discussion on the meaning of culture is discussed. Second, the five major characteristics that that define a culture are explained. Third, a detailed examination of the common cultural characteristics of Iran are presented. Specifically, the physical geography, military and conflict history, weather analysis and civil consideration with more emphasis on ‘power’ are discussedRead MoreIslam: Examination of Misconceptions and Beliefs1663 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Islam - A Highly Controversial Sensitive Issue in Todays World: Examination of Misconceptions and Beliefs Objective The objective of this work is to examine Islam, a highly controversial sensitive issue in todays world and specifically to examine the misconceptions, beliefs, and values of those of the Islamic faith. Most people think that the majority of Muslims live in the Middle East, while in reality there are more people of the Islamic faith living in Indonesia. Islam, just as Judaism andRead MoreThe Evolution Of The Human Body996 Words  | 4 PagesAfter heavy analyzation, one would soon learn that the archaeology information website is primarily focused on the evolution of the human body. The web source provides various selections to choose from, including: the human evolution summary, timeline, hall of skulls, and their perspectives. Likewise, the human evolution page describes the fossil hominids and their origins. The author recapitulates the hominid family, which consists of Homo, Australopithecus, and Ardipithecus. Correspondingly, theRead MoreEssay about Ibn Battutas 1331 Journey t o West Africa1353 Words  | 6 Pagesconflicting with African societies’ interpretation of Muslim beliefs and tribal traditions. He is especially critical of the various roles of women he observesâ€â€thus, allowing us insight into his own judgments formed by his culture and society. A brief summary of his life is paramount in the understanding of Battuta’s impressions and reactions to West African society. Abu Abdallah ibn Battuta was born in Morocco in 1304. By 1325, Battuta embarked on his first hajj, or pilgrimage to the holiest IslamicRead MoreThe Cold War Was Easy : Capitalism Vs. Communism1402 Words  | 6 Pages practices and institutions by peoples throughout the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ would create this â€Å"Universal Civilization,†Samuel P. Huntington responded with The Clash of Civilizations? This paper shall provide a brief summary and critique of that work, along with a personal response from this author. Summary Samuel P. Huntington wrote an article in response. The Clash of Civilizations? appeared in Foreign Affairs magazine in 1993. The article garnered so much attention, it was expanded into a book. TheRead MoreGrand Canyon Int 244 Complete Course1616 Words  | 7 PagesZoroastrian beliefs and assess the notion that Zoroastrianism may have influenced other world religions. WEEK 3 Reflect on the varying understandings of Islam by contemporary Muslims. Considering Muhammad’s leadership and the early development of Islam, to what extent does contemporary Islamic culture adhere to or differ from historic Islam? WEEK 3 DQ 2 Identify 3 key beliefs that the Baha’i religion is founded on and how those beliefs have influenced Baha’i practice and self-understanding
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Natural Resource Economics
Question: Discuss about the Report for Natural Resource Economics. Answer: The sales report infers that Amazon has economies of scale as the company has been experiencing sales growth. Economies of scale is the cost advantage that the company achieves by increasing the output of the product. There is an inverse relation between the quantity produced and the fixed cost per unit of the product offered by Amazon (Myers, Cecd, 2015). This relation gives rise to the economies of scale. The variable cost per unit might also get reduced due to the operational efficiencies and synergies. The increase in the sales has been possible since the company is able to lower the price of products. The low product price increases the demand and thereby raising the sales (Lowe, 2012). Amazon is able to provide low price product as they have decreasing average cost, ensuring economies of scale for the company. Thus, it can be inferred that as Amazon has decreasing average cost and increased sales, the business shows economies of scale, which is a great competitive advantage to sustain in the competitive market. Reference Lowe, S. E. (2012). Natural resource economics.Economics,333, 001. Myers, D., Cecd, M. A. (2015). economies of scale.Economic Development Journal,14(3), 11.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Who Was William Shakespeare Essays - Conspiracy Theories
Who Was William Shakespeare Who was William Shakespeare This research paper takes a look at the controversy surrounding the validity of Shakespearean authorship. I must tell you that before performing this research, I had no idea that this topic was such a debate in the world of literature. My goal in writing this paper is to hopefully bring some insight and knowledge to those who read it. Who was the man we call William Shakespeare? William Shakespeare was a man who wrote more than 36 world-famous dramas portraying the range and depth of human nature. Surprisingly, we know very little about the man who created these dramas, a man often referred to as the greatest literary genius in history. Shakespeare did not in his own day inspire the mysterious adoration that afterward came to surround his works. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April of 1564, the son of a glover. When he was 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway and they had 3 children by the time he was 21. There are a number of references to Shakespeare as an actor and author by those who would have known him. However, there is not a single word of the plays or the poems that is definitely in Shakespeares handwriting. There are only six remaining legal documents containing his signature, which I might ad contain different spellings of his name. Since the mid 19th century, a large group of disbelievers have argued that someone other than the Stratford man created the poems and plays presented as the works of William Shakespeare. Since 1856 there have been 17 different proposed substitutes for Shakespeare including the Earl of Oxford, Sir Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, the Earl of Derby, the Earl of Rutland, Sir Walter Raleigh and even Queen Elizabeth I herself. Assuming that Shakespeare of Stratford did not write the plays, Charlton Ogburn, author and scholar, believes that a well educated man by the name of Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford fits the description as the author. The author who wrote Richard III, and Hamlet had a vocabulary in excess of 20,000 words, and also had a first hand knowledge of the customs of the Danish Court and of French and Italian cities. He used more than 100 musical terms as well as the names of 200 plants. There is no documentation that William Shakespeare had access to this type of information. Shakespeare may never have left the southeast of England. Oxford on the other hand, had traveled to Paris, Venice and other foreign countries described in the plays. It has been implied that William Shakespeare from rural Stratford was humble, much too limited, too uneducated and far too common to have had the capability to write most of the plays containing such advanced vocabulary and worldly knowledge. Shakespeares first six published plays appear with no author names. Mr. Ogburns explanation of the use of Shakespeares name is that the Earls noble rank and closeness to the throne did not allow him to be known as the author. His works would have been subject to more harsh censorship than if written by a common man. So, Edward de Vere found a willing stand in; William Shakespeare, who pretended to be the author. Ogburn points out that the name William Shakespeare was not alluded to in print until 1598. The only recorded mention of him in his lifetime by anyone in the world of letters was by a man called Ben Jonson. The most difficult obstacle to clear in considering Ogburns candidate, is the insistence that the author of the plays must have been a nobleman simply because of the plays treatment of kings and nobles and high life in general. Nearly all of Shakespeares theatrical contemporaries were middle class men. Other authors, even far lesser ones than Shakespeare, a man who is thought of as the greatest creative genius of all times, can convincingly capture lives, scenes and experiences other than the ones they were born to. Many authors have stated that what writers write about is themselves. But what Shakespeare tells us of himself in his plays and sonnets, of his background, interest and character is completely different from Shakespeare as he appears on the record. There are questions surrounding Shakespeares last will and testament. Shakespeare left a very detailed will down to listing pieces of furniture. Some ask why there is no mention of leaving his plays to anyone. From my observation it was common for an acting company to
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Full Sail University Online MBA Program no GMAT Essay Example
Full Sail University Online MBA Program no GMAT Essay Example Full Sail University Online MBA Program no GMAT Essay Full Sail University Online MBA Program no GMAT Essay Full Sail University Online MBA Program no GMAT located in beautiful Winter Park Florida, Full Sail College is an educational leader for students pursuing careers in the exciting entertainment industry. Established in the late 19oos, the school’s online program provides our students with an innovative and accelerated yet unique of education specifically geared towards career opportunities in all facets of the entertainment industry. Online degrees as with the majority of online degree programs are offered at the bachelor’s and master’s level, each one is designed specifically to provide you the students with special knowledge and real world experiences that will help you realize your career goals. Our school’s unique approach to education combines both of these elements of creativity, art, and technical strength combined with a very solid academic foundation. Full sail has a very unique approach to curriculum emphasizes a very intensive, real world education system, using the latest industry technology, equipment and production processes. Our Students develop their skills in real world class recording studios and online programs along with spacious film sound stages and a very professional performing arts hall, all housed in a 1o0+ studio, 185+acre complex. Click the Banner below for the Official: : Full Sail University Online MBA Program no GMAT
Friday, February 21, 2020
What is MEC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What is MEC - Essay Example It educates children of employees. It also targets vulnerable children of the society. It also promotes the health of the society through production of quality goods and services that are environmental friendly. The company also gears itself towards strengthening its organizational structure and service delivery. It employees qualified personnel who promotes the welfare of the company and all the shareholders. The company also invests in community infrastructure through building schools, roads and hospitals (MEC 2013). This is aimed at enhancing corporation with the outsiders. The company also maintains economic development and job creation through paying taxes to the government and offering job opportunities. The organization believes that it needs to play its part in the growth and development of the community. It also expects the government to perform its roles diligently by providing an appropriate environment. Companies are obligated to preserve the environment. The company produces goods that are environmental friendly, renewable and utilizes less energy (MEC 2013). This is aimed at reducing environmental pollution and creates a good rapport with investors. For example, the company’s textile products contain over 50% cotton or recycled polyester (MEC 2013). It is believed such products can decompose and they are recyclable. In addition, the company has strived to improve human conditions in its factories. The company has exit doors in case of a fire breakout. It also has fire extinguishers and personnel work within stipulated time. Lastly, the company promotes conservation of ecology, water catchment areas and other recreational centers. MEC focuses on working with suppliers and factories by empowering them to uphold the MEC code of conduct. The conduct usually prescribes the minimum standards that enhance environmental responsibility. The company also believes in environmental responsibility because it audits factories
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Business Law-Legal Advise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Business Law-Legal Advise - Essay Example KED Resale offers ceramic capacitors, frequency control devices, SAW devices, RF modules, and other products manufactured by Kyocera Electronics Corporation. The Connectors segment provides ELCO automotive and telecommunication and memory connectors. AVX is a subsidiary of Kyocera Electronics Corporation where the latter owns 71% of the Company. The Companys top competitors include KEMET Corporation, Murata Manufacturing and Vishay Intertechnology Inc. In 2008, AVX acquired ATC for $230 million in cash. The acquisition is a major move for AVX to enhance the Companys advanced products segment. In addition, it will allow AVQ to venture into other markets including the development of High Reliability Products and High Frequency Products. Aside from this transaction, AVX has been eyeing other companies with potential of expanding the current offerings (Wyatt Investment Research, 2008). Moreover, the Company has been active in developing new products for various customers. AVX have introduced several high technology products. The Company has also been involved in developing solutions for energy exploration through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy. In particular, AVX developed a hybrid automobile engine to further enhance the governments oil exploration output (2008 Annual Report). One of the major initiatives of AVX in 2009 is the development of products that promote alternative or green energy. The Company expects that investing in the burgeoning market will provide an average of 20% growth annually. The targets of AVX are automobile manufacturers that have started developing hybrid cars and other vehicles. AVX have been innovating circuits, capacitors and connectors for such purpose (2009 Annual Report). In 2009, AVX announced that all offices will be moved from Myrtle Beach to Greenville which is both in
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
India is the most hierarchical society
India is the most hierarchical society BRIEF: India is the most hierarchical society in the world and this, obviously, has an impact on its management style. It is imperative that there is a boss and that the manager acts like a boss. The position of manager demands a certain amount of role-playing from the boss and a certain amount of deferential behaviour from his subordinates. The boss is definitely not expected to perform any seemingly menial tasks such as making coffee for everybody or moving chairs in a meeting room! Anglo-Saxon concepts of egalitarianism where the boss is the primus inter pares are virtually incomprehensible in a society still dominated by the historical conventions of the caste system. Therefore, the boss is expected to give explicit instructions which will be followed even if everybody knows that the instruction is incorrect. Managing people in India requires a level of micro-management which many western business people feel very uncomfortable with but, which is likely to bring the best results. Indian management is paternalistic and is characterized by: Patronage Families feelings Sense of security in staff Obedience to authority Personality cult Personality based delegation Aversions of the staff to the leaders who are outsiders Ascent on short rather than long term planning Restricted sharing of information Gulf between personnel policies and practices Traditional Indian management: Management practices:- Traditional Indian management Employee requirements- family relation and caste of employee is considered Leadership style- leaders display a high level of personal involvement with their subordinates. Motivational aspects and rewards- work is viewed as a means to an end i.e for sake of satisfying family needs. Human resource management practices- nepotism and caste consideration affect selection and compensation. Training is less emphasized. TYPES OF MANAGEMENT SYLE IN INDIA- 1) Conservative style: Integrating ideology- old is gold, change carefully Performance control- through traditions, conventions, precedents Coordination- hierarchical Staff motivation- financial security, psychological safety 2) Entrepreneurial style: Intergrating ideology- no risk no gain, pioneer, innovative, revolutionize Performance control- through shared vision of corporate team Coordination- hierarchical Staff motivation- through charisma of the person at top 3) Professional style: Intergrating ideology- scientific, rational approach to management Performance control- through norms of professionalism and other tools of management Coordination- variety of mechanism like hierarchy, committee planning Staff motivation- formalized menu of progressive, productive and quality oriented incentive. 4) Bureaucratic style: Orderly management, clear accountability Through rules and regulation Hierarchical, standard operating procedures Job clarity, steady promotion on basis of seniority 5) Organic style: Flexibility Through peer pressure, personal commitment Team work, mutual feedback, intensive lateral as well as vertical communication Job variety and richness 6) Authoritarian style: Obedience, organizational patriolism Through fear of punishment Hierarchical Patriotic feel and fear of punishment 7) Participative style: Relatively powerless decision making Through collective assessment on jointly agreed criteria of evaluation Through representative committee Feeling of participating in decision making 8) Intuitive style: Experience and common sense Thumb rule Hierarchical, also by informal norms No need for formal qualification 9) Familial style: One big happy family Through relationship of bosses Through personalities Feeling of being a part of family 10) Altruistic style: Its a means to social and spiritual end Through sense of mission or pursuit of great ideal Hierarchical, shared ideal or social commitment Opportunity to control something noble and meaningful Being a Manager in India To ensure successful cross cultural management in India, you need be aware of the strict protocols and rituals that exist. The official caste system may be illegal, but a strong hierarchical structure, based upon job title, still exists in business. The Role of a Manager In India managers may take a somewhat paternalistic attitude to their employees. They may demonstrate a concern for employees that goes beyond the workplace. This may include involvement in their family, housing, health, and other practical life issues. It is the supervisors job to regularly check on the work of a subordinate and to provide regular constructive feedback. This may include monitoring work quality and the timing of its completion. Approach to Change Indias intercultural adaptability and readiness for change is developing all the time. India is seen to have a medium tolerance for change and risk. It is important for innovations to have a track record or history noting the benefits if they are to be accepted and implemented. Failure in India causes a long-term loss of confidence by the individual as well as by others. Because of this attitude, intercultural sensitivity is going to be required, especially when conducting group meetings and discussing contributions made my participating individuals. Approach to Time and Priorities Indians are generally quite careful about time guidelines in business situations where schedules and deadlines are regarded seriously. In addition, however, Indian society is concerned with relationships so there may be instances where there is some flexibility to strict standards of adhering to schedules. When working with people from India, its advisable to reinforce the importance of the agreed-upon deadlines and how that may affect the rest of the organization. Successful cross cultural management will depend on the individuals ability to meet deadlines. Global and intercultural expansion means that some managers may have a greater appreciation of the need to enforce timescales and as such, agreed deadlines are more likely to be met. Decision Making The culture in India is very relationship and group-oriented, so a strong emphasis is placed on maintaining harmony and proper lines of authority in the workplace. Some Indians, however, are extremely direct, in which case you can deal with them in the same way. The manager makes decisions and accepts responsibility for work performed by subordinates. The middle manager may consult with subordinates before reaching a decision, although it is more likely that he will confer with trusted advisors or relatives. To ensure successful cross cultural management, you will need to bear in mind the importance of people in the office maintaining the proper behavior relative to their position. For instance, it would be inappropriate for a manager to make copies or move a piece of furniture because these are tasks that lower level people do. To engage in behavior beneath you would lower your esteem in the office. Boss or Team Player? If you are working in India, it is important to remember that honor and reputation play an important role. The risk becomes amplified in a team or collaborative setting. When meeting together and moderating ideas, intercultural sensitivity is necessary. It is important to qualify ideas that are raised in a gentle manner, protecting the reputation of those bringing up ideas, so no one is shamed. Communication and Negotiation Styles Cross cultural management will be more effective if you understand the importance of personal relationships. They are crucial to conducting business and are based on respect and trust. It takes time to develop a comfortable working relationship and you will need patience and perseverance. Indians are non-confrontational. It is rare for them to overtly disagree, although this is beginning to change in the managerial ranks. Decisions are reached by the person with the most authority but reaching that decision can be a slow process. Never appear over legalistic in negotiations; in general Indians do not trust the legal system and someones word is sufficient to reach an agreement. Successful negotiations may be celebrated over a meal.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Modern Man Has Become Enslaved by Time :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Modern Man Has Become Enslaved by Time In no characteristic is existing society in the West so sharply distinguished from the earlier societies, whether of Europe or the East, than in its conception of time. To the ancient Chinese or Greek, to the Arab herdsman or Mexican peon of today, time is represented by the cyclic processes of nature, the alternation of day and night, the passage from season to season. The nomads and farmers measured and still measure their day from sunrise to sunset, and their year in terms of seedtime and harvest, of the falling leaf and the ice thawing on the lakes and rivers. The farmer worked according to the elements, the craftsman for as long as he felt it necessary to perfect his product. Time was seen as a process of natural change, and men were not concerned in its exact measurement. For this reason civilizations highly developed in other respects had the most primitive means of measuring time: the hour glass with its trickling sand or dripping water, the sun dial, useless on a dull day, and the candle or lamp whose unburnt remnant of oil or wax indicated the hours. All these devices were approximate and inexact, and were often rendered unreliable by the weather or the personal laziness of the tender. Nowhere in the ancient or mediaeval world were more than a tiny minority of men concerned with time in the terms of mathematical exactitude. Modern, western man, however, lives in a world that runs according to the mechanical and mathematical symbols of clock time. The clock dictates his movements and inhibits his actions. The clock turns time from a process of nature into a commodity that can be measured and bought and sold like soap or sultanas. And because, without some means of exact time keeping, industrial capitalism could never have developed and could not continue to exploit the workers, the clock represents an element of mechanical tyranny in the lives of modern men more potent than any individual exploiter or than any other machine. It is therefore valuable to trace the historical process by which the clock influenced the social development of modern European civilization. It is a frequent circumstance of history that a culture or civilization develops the device that will later be used for its destruction.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Bertrand Russell Essay
I should like to say two things, one intellectual and one moral. The intellectual thing I should want to say is this: When you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only what the facts are and what the truth that the facts bear out is. Never let yourself be diverted either by what you wish to believe, or by what you think would have beneficent social effects if it were believed. But look only, and solely, at what are the facts. That is the intellectual thing that I should wish to say. The moral thing I should wish to say†¦I should say love is wise, hatred is foolish. In this world which is getting more closely and closely interconnected we have to learn to tolerate each other, we have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don’t like. We can only live together in that way and if we are to live together and not die together we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Pros And Cons Of Free Speech - 1328 Words
Free speech is important. It enables humans to openly express any thoughts, opinions, or ideas one may have without the risk of government oppression or censorship. Social media act as platforms that promote free speech, as social media allow any person’s thoughts, opinions, or ideas to be shared with the world at the simple click of an â€Å"enter†key. However, there do exist limitations to free speech when threats or hate speech become involved. In these instances, ramifications and legal actions can be taken as a means of combating verbal threats and hateful statements. With this in mind, the Elonis v. United States sase is of particular notoriety due to its exemplification of both the role in which social media play in free speech, as well†¦show more content†¦These threatening posts resulted in the Elonis v. Untied States case, wherein Elonis was ultimately convicted of four of the five counts of violating 18 U.S.C.  § 875(c), despite Elonis’ ple a for the court to dismiss the charges under the claim that his threats were not â€Å"true threats†(Facts and Case Summary - Elonis v. U.S., 2015). There are a plethora of relevant ethical theories that can be applied to the Elonis case. Specifically, these include Mill’s ethical theories of liberty, the public and private spheres, and free speech. In an overarching conception of free speech, Mill perceives individual liberty as intertwined with free speech; as something that ought only be restricted if an individual’s action or speech is liable to harm others â€Å"or violates the good manners required in a public place†(Horner, 2015, p. 67). This theory can be applied to the Elonis case, wherein Elonis’ speech was both liable to harm others and violated the good manners of Facebook, arguably a public place as a social media platform. This connects to Mill’s conceptions and theories of the public and private spheres, as well, wherein the public sphere is a place restrictions on individual liberty have a right to be put in place. On the other hand, the private sphere allows no room for interference from the state or governments on individual liberty (Horner, 2015). These theories pertain to the Elonis case inShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Free Speech959 Words  | 4 PagesFree speech has been becoming increasingly more controversial and students are becoming more worried about the restriction on speech. Just recently, in September of 2017 at the University of California Berkeley, well known conservative speakers such as Ben Shapiro, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, and Steve Bannon were supposed to come visit the campus and speak. However, many students and faculty implored Chancellor Carol Christ to revoke the conservative speakers’ invitation. Current discussionsRead MoreImportance Of Censorship In Society1406 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent opinions on it, but when used properly, censorship absolut ely has a place in society. Censorship, at it’s core, has been around for a few hundred years, dating back to the 1700’s. Censorship can be confusing but the First Amendment gives us free speech. This Amendment basically defines the United States as a nation (Bishop Ke). â€Å"Despite the First Amendment, the federal government has also censored the press at various points in United States history, especially during war time.†( DatingRead MoreThe Right Block Free Speech997 Words  | 4 Pagesprotect freedom of speech not to block or regulate it. The state has a role to protect liberties of all individuals not to define what should and should not be tolerated. Just as it is not the job of the state to institute policy on religion, it is not the states’ responsibility to regulate what freedoms of speech individual may and may not express. A classic debate in the realm of free speech, and the states right block free speech is where the line is drawn between free speech and offense. In anRead MoreEssay about Cyber Bullying and Hate Speech1161 Words  | 5 Pages Free speech is both a universal and national liberty. The United Nations and the United States of America believe that free speech is something that humans should be allowed to exercise. However, each respective group has their own limitations. These limitation, although broad, protect against free speech being taken too far. Like any liberty or privilege there must be a line in the sand to keep extremists from aggressively using and abusing this right. The United Nations formed The UniversalRead MoreHistory Of The Preval Of Prayer In Public Education1538 Words  | 7 Pagesschools religion-free zones and that the law is so murky that school officials cannot know what is legally permissible (American Civil Liberties Union, 2016, p 1). While reviewing the statistical analysis which illustrates Americas public schools it reveals that the removal of prayer from our nations schools since June 25, 1962, has violated 39 million students the freedom of choice to acknowledge a higher powe r. While exploring history, it reaffirms the thoughts of John F. Kennedy speech which includesRead MoreCensorship in the US Essay1136 Words  | 5 Pagesto be unfit for the public. Censorship is only used to a certain extent in the United States of America, but it is much more widespread in other parts of the world. Many people argue that the First Amendment to the constitution provides freedom of speech. Therefore, fining television stations for not censoring explicit materials could be a violation First Amendment rights (Ruschmann). Most people agree that the reason that the United States survives as a democracy is because of the freedoms providedRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet985 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1734, John Zenger, a local printer was jailed due to accusations of seditious libel by publishing material against the crooked Governor of New York. Zenger s defense attorney Andrew Hamilton gave his famous speech, in which he said, nature and the laws of o ur country have given us a right to liberty of both exposing and opposing arbitrary power (in these parts of the world at least) by speaking and writing truth.. This influenced freedom of the press rights and embracing those rights to theRead MoreWhat Does A Vegetarian Diet?1591 Words  | 7 Pagesvegetarians out there and i think its great theyre standing up for what they believe in, but im not reciting this speech to bully meateaters. No, i do not hate you for eating meat, i just hope you all listen closely because i have some important points to make today and i hope no one is offended. I will be discussing the horrific conditions of slaughterhouses, what exactly you are eating, pros and cons of going vegetarian, and commonly asked questions. What goes on inside a slaughterhouse is something theRead MoreShould English Be the Official Language of the Us843 Words  | 4 Pagesidentify pros and cons of requiring English as the language of choice for the U.S. Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior a technique for expressing ideas effectively (as in speech) or language communication. Pros and Cons of English as the Official Language The benefits of having the English language will be unity in a common language creating more effective communication of processes. The cons couldRead MoreApa Syphilis650 Words  | 3 PagesNames - Pros: Jasmine, Naloni Names – Cons: Da’Shawn, Brea Date: 11/17/15 Course: Speech Eng 112-22 General Purpose: To Pursuade Specific Purpose: To motivate those who consume conventional produce to choose organic food ------------------------------------------------- Food or Fungus: Conventional vs Organic 1. Introduction- Have you ever asked yourself, how healthy your food really is? We will provide information on the subject for you. With spending money on foods, which
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