Thursday, December 26, 2019
My Goals As An Educator - 939 Words
Teaching is important because students need people who enjoyed teaching and helping people follow their dream. Even when students are young they have dreams and to complete those dreams they need teacher to help them learned and encourage them to follow their dreams. Being a teacher is more than teaching students their subjects, it helping follow their dreams, find their passion, and showing them they can do anything if they tried hard enough. We need more teachers like that, not ones that just come to school and teach the standards. We need teacher who find a way to teach a standard in a way students will understand and enjoy. This is one of my goals as an educator, creating lesson plans that are informative and fun; a way for them to have fun while learning, As teacher we need to find a way to educate our students in a way they will all understand, creating lesson plans that are challenging. However, not too challenging that the students will not understand or too easy the students will get bored, we need to find the balance between the two. Which is one of the hardest one thing a teacher will have to deal with, making sure no students get behind but not being able to slow down. It why one of my goals as teacher is creating lesson plans that will get students evolve in the learning. It also our job to make sure we cover all subjects. This year when I did my observation in a classroom, and in my field experience class I learned that some teachers will not teach someShow MoreRelatedMy Goal As An Educator915 Words  | 4 PagesIt is my goal as an educator to guide students and help them to explore, follow, and achieve their dreams to the fullest. I also would like students to know and realize that learning is an ongoing process that never ends. It is important to teach students about respecting others and to treat others how they would like to be treated. I believe that my future students should be in a safe environment, which will improve their social, intellectual, and emotional skills. Students spend much moreRead MoreMy Philosophy On Education : My Goals As An Educator978 Words  | 4 PagesMy Philosophy on Education My goal as an educator is to develop a strong personal relationship with each and every one of my students’. In doing this, my students should feel comfortable coming to me with a problem they may be facing. I want my students to be critical thinkers. I want my students to have the desire to learn and to question everything. I feel that if there is a lot of interaction going on between my students and I; learning is happening. The teaching method that I would be incorporatingRead MoreAn Early Childhood Educator My Goal1621 Words  | 7 PagesI believe that as an early childhood educator my goal will be to promote the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of each child. I also believe that play should be the base of learning since children learn best by doing. I believe that a balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated activities is essential balance can be developed by using the developmentally appropriate practice approach, which means that activ ities should be â€Å"appropriate for each child and relevant to theRead MorePersonal Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses1851 Words  | 7 Pagescareer in higher education in regards to the nursing profession. Assessment of strengths and weaknesses Personally, strengths and weakness will vary throughout my professional career. In particularly, developing a commitment to life long learning will help mitigate or abate many of the negative influences that may occur as a health care educator. Currently, the health care industry is undergoing fundamental change. Regulation has now entered into the forefront. As such, due in part to the changing dynamicRead MoreLearning Theories, Motivation And Engagement Constructivism And Humanist Approach1667 Words  | 7 PagesIn Early childhood it is important for educators to understand and facilitate a learning environment and draw on a range of different perspectives on theories and perspectives used in Early Childhood Learning Framework. Different theories about early childhood inform approaches to learning and development. â€Å" Early childhood educators draw upon a range of perspectives in their work †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (EYLF p.11). In this essay there will be three learning theories expla ined; behavioural views of learning, motivationRead MoreI Have Worked In Education For Ten Years, Eight As An Algebra1679 Words  | 7 PagesAlgebra 1 educator and two as an Assistant Principal. I am currently finishing up my third year as an Assistant Principal at New Braunfels High School. Education has been a passion of mind since becoming the first person in my family to graduate from high school and obtaining my Bachelor s degree from Texas State University. Most of my days consist of guiding students in their education endeavor and supporting educators with instruction and delivery in the school setting. This document is my beliefsRead MoreA Teacher s View On The Purpose Of Schooling989 Words  | 4 PagesAs an educator, it is important to have a personal teaching philosophy based on your beliefs. It also helps you to keep the focus on what your goals are as an educator and the way you plan to integrate those goals into your teaching. A statement of philosophy begins with the educator s view on the purpose of schooling. In what ways are teachers going to challenge students to have high achievement standards? Along with goals for students, what are their responsibilities going to entail? TheseRead MoreLeadership Is The Ability Of An Organization s Management Essay1520 Words  | 7 PagesLeadership is the ability of an organisation s management to set and achieve challenging goals, take swift and decisive action, perform better in the competition, and inspire others to perform well (Rodd, 2013). Leadership provides direction for an organisation by letting the staff know a bout the direction in which they are headed and who to follow to reach the destination. Leadership involves showing staff how to effectively perform their responsibilities and by regularly supervising the completionRead MoreInstructional Leadership. Throughout The Readings, Instructional1535 Words  | 7 Pages(2006) found effective superintendents ensure that the collaborative goal setting process results in nonnegotiable goal in student achievement and instruction (p. 4). Collaborative goal setting is one of the crucial aspects of instructional leadership. Specifically, effective goal setting is one of the most important characteristics a leader can utilize to drive instruction (Leaf Odhiambo, 2017). In my experience in education, goal setting accomplishes providing direction and exercising influencesRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education997 Words  | 4 Pagesfulfillment provides a positive learning environment. Developing a personal philosophy of education enab les an educator to understand and communicate the underlying basis for his or her approach to education. Sharing this philosophy provides valuable information for organizational leaders and educators to evaluate the fit between an educator and an institution. With this intent in mind, my philosophy of education is described through a discussion of mission, learning theory, and personal approach to
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Should Abortion Be Legal - 1448 Words
While studying the debate on whether or not abortion should be illegal, you are approached by many different writers with interesting arguments, filled with their opinions and reasons for why abortion should or should not be allowed. Two essays that have caught my attention while reading about the debate of abortion are: â€Å"A Defense of Abortion†by Judith Jarvis Thomson, and â€Å"An Almost Absolute Value in History†, by John T. Noonan Jr. Thomson argues that abortion is permissible in cases where the mother’s life is at stake, where the sex was consensual but had faulty contraceptives, and lastly, in cases where the mother was raped. Noonan’s approach to abortion is that almost all cases of abortion are wrong, except if the pregnancy causes†¦show more content†¦The doctor informs you that the only way the violinist can live, is if he stays attached to you and thrives off your circulatory system. You have the option to either unplug the violi nist from yourself and kill him, or you can allow him to use your body for however long he needs to until he can recover. Thomson argues that although the violinist has a right to live, he does not have the right to use your body and therefore, we have the right to unplug ourselves from him (2-6). She compares this thought experiment to a real life situation where the mother was raped and has to decide whether or not she should â€Å"unplug†herself from the baby. Thomson believes that the mother should be allowed to kill the baby since it was caused from rape and does not have the right to use her body. Next, Thomson argues that abortion should be allowed if the sex was consensual but the contraceptive failed to prevent pregnancy. She creates another thought experiment involving â€Å"people seeds†. Here, we are asked to imagine ourselves in a house where we have built protective screens in front of our windows to avoid â€Å"people seeds†from flying into our houses and laying nests. In rare cases, your protective screen can become defective and a people seed will get through and lay a nest. Thomson asks us, â€Å"Does the person-plant who now develops have a right to the use of your house?†(13). She believes that the â€Å"people seed†does not have a right to use our house
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Themes In To Kill A Mockingbird free essay sample
Essay, Research Paper The Themes in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee The novel To Kill a Mockingbird succeeds in portraying the life style of a relaxed southern town in the early twentieth century. It shows the households, feelings, and dogmatism of the clip. There are three chief subjects in the novel, which are: justness is non unsighted, mob regulation is non the manner to work out things, and that you shouldn # 8217 ; t fear or resent something that hasn # 8217 ; t done anything to upset life. These subjects are true in the novel and are besides true in mundane life. [ Nelle ] Harper Lee was born and raised in the bosom of the South. Lee # 8217 ; s life and clip period influences her composing. Like her male parent and Atticus Finch, Lee went on to analyze jurisprudence. She left school in 1950 so that she could travel to New York and go a author. We will write a custom essay sample on The Themes In To Kill A Mockingbird or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page # 8220 ; Her jurisprudence surveies proved to be # 8216 ; good preparation for a author # 8217 ; because they promote logical thought and because jurisprudence instances are an first-class beginning for narrative thoughts # 8221 ; ( Matuz 239 ) . When her male parent became ailment, she was forced to divide her clip between New York and Monroeville, Alabama. # 8220 ; In her native town she was surrounded by the scene of her novel ; an old house where a cryptic hermit might populate, the courtroom, and the attorney # 8217 ; s office # 8221 ; ( Matuz 239 ) . This environment and her southern background proved to be the perfect combination for composing a narrative about life in a quiet town in Alabama. The lone manner to be a good author is to compose from experience, and since she lived most of her life in the scene of the narrative, her composing proved to be good. The timing for the release of To Kill a Mockingbird could non hold been more perfect. # 8220 ; In a clip of the burgeoning civil rights motion, her book was met with popular acclamation and was subsequently adapted for movie # 8221 ; ( Matuz 240 ) . To Kill a Mockingbird to some extent is based on Lee # 8217 ; s childhood. # 8220 ; Scout was based upon Lee # 8217 ; s ain upbringing? the arch Dill was late found out to be based upon Lee # 8217 ; s childhood comrade, Truman Capote # 8221 ; ( Bryfonski 341 ) . One of the thoughts that Lee tried to set across in the novel was the fact that there will ever be bias in one signifier or another. Harper Lee has written merely one novel in her life, but she made that one count. Racism is still alive in modern society. No affair the sum of progresss people have made to stop racism, at that place will ever be a part of the population that frights and hatreds anything that is different from their ain. In our advanced, yet slightly bigoted society, there is one topographic point that is purportedly # 8216 ; colour-blind # 8217 ; . That is the tribunal system. Unless the jury is made up of non-humans, the tribunal system will ever be bigoted. In the novel, the jury is all white and all male, and when the suspect is person like Tom Robinson, he hasn # 8217 ; t got a opportunity. # 8220 ; Lee writes about a clip when Whites were the caput foreman, and inkinesss were merely counted as three-fifths, but that three fifths didn # 8217 ; T sum up to anything every bit far as rights went # 8221 ; ( Magill 1680 ) . Before the instance even went to test, Atticus knew that there was no manner that he would win this. # 8220 ; # 8216 ; Are you gon na win this instance Atticus? Nope. # 8217 ; # 8221 ; ( Lee 147 ) . No affair how much grounds Atticus had in his favour, even if there was video tape of the incident, the result of the instance would hold been precisely the same. The manner that Atticus presented the information in a manner that evidently made a few of the jurymans think about the concluding opinion. # 8220 ; He was merely happy that the jury deliberated for two hours alternatively of 5 proceedingss # 8221 ; ( Lee 181 ) . Racism seems to be the most extremely concentrated in the South, which is uneven seeing as how that # 8217 ; s where a really big per centum of the black population is located at. # 8220 ; The manner that she describes the Southerners # 8217 ; positions and thoughts about other races is non excessively different from some peoples # 8217 ; positions today # 8221 ; ( Matuz 246 ) . The jury # 8217 ; s determination was practically similar rabble regulation. Justice will likely neer be colour-blind in this life-time. Mob regulation is when a big, angry group of people decide the result of something, normally utilizing beast force to make that result. Harper Lee is really much against rabble regulation. In the novel, Atticus is sitting at place one dark when a rabble comes along, # 8220 ; In Maycomb, grown work forces stood outside in the front pace for merely two grounds: decease and political relations # 8221 ; ( Lee 147 ) . Lee uses Scout as a manner of interrupting up the rabble, and shows her disfavor towards rabble and points to # 8220 ; the importance of jurisprudence and order, # 8221 ; ( Magill 1680 ) . Atticus represents the people in this universe who see mob justness as an alibi for lawlessness. Peoples like Atticus who defend the tribunal systems, want everybody to acquire a just test, whether they be white or black. # 8220 ; That male child might travel to the chair, but he # 8217 ; s non traveling till the truth # 8217 ; s told # 8221 ; ( Lee 148 ) . Atticus is the type of individual that people should look up to. The adult male believes in what is just and what is right, and that is admirable. # 8220 ; Merely a few brave people, such as Atticus, are willing to make what they know is right # 8221 ; ( Magill 1680 ) . Mobs are scared of what they don # 8217 ; t rather understand. Mobs have neer solved anything. Peoples are sometimes scared by what they don # 8217 ; t understand. Lookout and Jem didn # 8217 ; t understand Boo Radley, so they feared him. They let their imaginativenesss run rampantly when they thought of him. # 8220 ; Boo was about six and a half pess tall ; he dined on natural squirrels and any cats he could catch? and he drooled most of the clip ( Lee 17 ) . Jem and Dill used to do stakes to see if one of them would touch the house or look through a window, to see the monster within. # 8220 ; Lee points out that to seek to get the better of our frights, we try to move butch and demo off, but that normally merely makes things worse # 8221 ; ( Bryfonski 342 ) . In actuality, Boo was merely a normal cat who merely happened to be cooped up in his house for a twosome of old ages. # 8220 ; The monster of vicinity fable is revealed to be a diffident, infantile adult male who saved Scout and Jem by killing Bob Ewell # 8221 ; ( Matuz 240 ) . After Boo saves the childs, they realize what he truly is. Merely like when people are afraid, when they confront their fright, they see that it # 8217 ; s non so bad, and the overcome it. # 8220 ; He was existent nice? most people are, Scout, when you eventually see them # 8221 ; ( Lee 284 ) . Nothing is every bit bad as it originally seems. There are a few of import messages in To Kill a Mockingbird that carry over into mundane life. Lee # 8217 ; s basic messages are: attempt non to prejudge people, face your frights, and wear # 8217 ; t fall in a rabble. Follow those regulations and you # 8217 ; ll live a long and fruitful life. 34d
Monday, December 2, 2019
Solar Power Essays - Renewable Energy, Energy Conversion
Solar Power About 47 per cent of the energy that the sun releases to the earth actually reaches the ground. About a third is reflected directly back into space by the atmosphere. The time in which solar energy is available, is also the time we least need it least - daytime. Because the sun's energy cannot be stored for use another time, we need to convert the suns energy into an energy that can be stored. One possible method of storing solar energy is by heating water that can be insulated. The water is heated by passing it through hollow panels. Black-coated steal plates are used because dark colours absorb heat more efficiently. However this method only supplies enough energy for activities such as washing and bathing. The solar panels generate "low grade" heat, that is, they generate low temperatures for the amount of heat needed in a day. In order to generate "high grade" heat, intense enough to convert water into high-pressure steam which can then be used to turn electric g enerators there must be another method. The concentrated beams of sunlight are collected in a device called a solar furnace, which acts on the same principles as a large magnifying glass. The solar furnace takes the sunlight from a large area and by the use of lenses and mirrors can focus the light into a very small area. Very elaborate solar furnaces have machines that angle the mirrors and lenses to the sun all day. This system can provide sizeable amounts of electricity and create extremely high temperatures of over 6000 degrees Fahrenheit. Solar energy generators are very clean, little waste is emitted from the generators into the environment. The use of coal, oil and gasoline is a constant drain, economically and environmentally. Will solar energy be the wave of the future? Could the worlds requirement of energy be fulfilled by the "powerhouse" of our galaxy - the sun? Automobiles in the future will probably run on solar energy, and houses will have solar heaters.
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